Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wholeheartedly; HOW (Hearts of Women)

My dear friends, God is working through this marvelous widow’s group named HOW, Hearts of Women.  We had a full house last night and there was much laughter, a few tears, great conversation and above al a most wonderful message that Jan delivered.  
Oh how blessed that each one in the room was to hear her encouraging words and be challenged by her thoughtful words of wisdom and experience, that she will first handedly give credit to Christ for his continued intervention into her thoughts and materials that he cals her attention to. 
This is kind of a long read but I hope that you will carefully consider the ten points that are listed for living life wholeheartedly and see which of the ones seem to stand out as a challenge to you at this time on your journey.  This is not just for this group but is a real challenge for any of us on any journey.  Enjoy the read and pass it on. 
Blessings to you, from me, Cathy 
and a huge thank you to Jan, for she sparked great conversation and a lot of food for thought for our everyday living.     
HOW Group
January 25, 2016
The year of rising strong , daring greatly and living life wholeheartedly!
I love hanging out in the bookstore.  It’s my go to place when i’m looking to be inspired and motivated as it’s the perfect place to seek out “advice” from so many who have documented their journeys from their “here” to their “there.”

A few days before Christmas, and feeling the need for a little inspiration, I popped into the bookstore and began browsing up and down the aisles when what to my wondering eyes did appear~~~~~a whole section of books by Brene Brown.  It was the titles of two of her books that really caught my attention:  “Rising Strong” and “Daring Greatly.”  Wow~~~now that inspires me!
Brene Brown is a writer and research professor at the university of houston graduate college of social work.  Having interviewed thousands of people, she found many who were happy, joyful, successful, confident and pretty much on top of their game and then, as she says, there were the rest of us. “  She decided to figure out what it was that made these people different and spent a few years distilling the attributes of the people she described as living wholeheartedly.
Her research is anchored in Teddy Roosevelt’s quote:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and short coming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”
Brown contends that those who rise strong and dare greatly live life wholeheartedly.  They learn to set new boundaries.  They are inspired to make new and different choices.  They are deliberate in their thoughts and behaviors and they get going~~~~they take action.  They let go of their need to please, perform and perfect.
by engaging their minds, hearts and spirits they cultivate the courage, compassion and connection to wake up every morning and think, no matter what, i am enough.
So what are these characteristics that define those, who in spite of experiencing up close and personal devastating circumstances,  are able to rise strong , dare greatly  and live wholeheartedly?
According to her research, people living wholeheartedly:
1) Embrace their vulnerabilty
2) Rest and play
3) Ask for help
4) Practice stillness
5) Remain calm
6) Have faith in a higher power or purpose
7) Engage in creativity
8) Don’t compare themselves
9) Laugh, sing and dance
10) Do personal meaningful work
Brown argues that sometimes our first and greatest dare is to ask for support and that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement and meaningful connection.
When each one of us stepped through the door called “how,” the only thing we knew was
that on the other side there were others, like us, who had lost their life’s partner.  It took great courage to step into that arena.  We had no idea that by daring greatly, by putting our vulnerability out there for everyone to see, we had taken the first step that would enable us to embrace our “new normal.”  
By ignoring pride that says, “it’s impossible,”
Experience that says, “it’s too risky,” and reason that says, “it’s pointless,” we chose to listen to our heart that said, “it’s worth a try.”
By engaging and connecting with this incredible group of wild, wonderful, wonder women, by seeking help for the journey, we are saying that some day, we will be the some ones to help someone else.  
By being transparent, by seeing our vulnerability as a gift of courage and strength, rather than a weakness to be ashamed of, we position ourselves to “pay it forward.”
In his word, we are often referred to as “jars of clay.”  In his wisdom, god knowing that clay is easily flawed with cracks, is telling us that we are imperfect.  that it is only by accepting, embracing and acknowledging our weaknesses and imperfections that “his strength can be made perfect.”   It is only through the cracks in our vessels, that his light can shine. 
We have been given “this treasure in jars of clay to show that all surpassing power comes from god.” ( 2 Corinthians 4:1-7)  “When i am weak, then I am strong.”  (2 corinthians 12:8-10)
There is a journey divinely designed for you and for me that begins when we let go of thinking we have to be perfect and embrace our weaknesses as a gift~~~as one of our greatest assets.
Asking for help and embracing one’s vulnerbilities are major steps towards living wholeheartedly.
Debasish Maridha says, “The journey of life is amazingly beautiful if you take it as a fearless adventure.”  without the courage to dare greatly, to rise strong, to embrace life wholeheartedly, we will never experience
the best part of the journey~~~~~the surprise and wonder along the way.
Risk versus reward!  “Ultimately, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.”  (Mark Twain) 
“Logic will get you from a to b.  Imagination will take you everywhere.” (Albert Einstein)
 So in the famous words of Dr. Seuss,  “Think left and think right, think low and think high.  Oh the things you can think up if only you try. “
Take that leap of faith to dare greatly, to rise strong and to live wholeheartedly knowing that our weaknesses and vulnerabilities are made strong through the one who holds us in the palm of his hand.  The one who says, “This is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)  the one who says: 
“Be strong and be courageous, be not dismayed, for I am with you always.”  (Joshua 1:9)

Praise god wherever you are and whatever situation he has allowed you to be in . . . his glory will shine through!

email address: cjodeit@gmail.com

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